Saturday, December 15, 2012

Just Dressage Prospects?

One person has suggested we only look at dressage prospects.  Although breeding for dressage is my primary interest, we have people interested who are jumper breeders, so I'd prefer we have a decision making system in place prior to purchases that clarifies what we're looking for.  Maybe each year we decide to go one way or the other, or one of each? I'm not personally wedded to any idea at this point, so will wait to hear what the rest of you think. We have enough people interested that we can separate purchase price and colts within a given year if we need to.


  1. As a breeder more interested in producing Jumpers, I'd be disappointed to see the group limited to Dressage prospects only. The US needs to grow its jumper breeding and production efforts if we ever want to see US riders on US bred horses in the top of the sport.

  2. I agree with you, Tracy. We just need to figure out how to organize our purchases so people are comfortable with their investments.

  3. I am only breeding dressage horses and would be primarily interested in dressage blood. We would just have to figure out a process that mostly worked for everyone. Every other year could work for one of each could also. Could the financials be broken up to include one or the other or both, depending on the desires of the "shareholders"?

  4. I don't see why not, Jan. If you're interested only in the dressage prospects, then we take that into account for the purchase amount, and you only share expenses on the dressage prospects.
