Friday, December 14, 2012

Original Email

Hello, everyone.  

OK.  I think I’m at a place with both my health and my life that I’m ready for another major project:  Looking Forward, LLC.  

North America needs KWPN breeding stock, especially stallions available via fresh cooled semen.  The lack of access to quality stallions is an ongoing problem and a limiting factor to the success of our breeding programs, and, indeed, the KWPN-NA as an organization itself.  The problem is compounded by our small breeding base and the price of approved stallions of sufficient quality. We can lease or buy an older stallion that is no longer used much in Holland, but this has limited benefits.  My idea has long-term and ongoing benefits. We start a group of investors to buy weanling colts, raise them in Holland, and attempt to get one approved occasionally.  Basically, we function as a stallion station or individual with the buying clout to pick up a top prospect or two each year. Here’s how I envision it working:

-we form an LLC (Limited Liability Corporation) in New Hampshire--we buy the colts in the name of the company.

-we attempt to buy between one and three top quality colts per year-ideally two.

-initial investment is $5,000.--if 10 people are involved, this raises $50,000. to use for the first year of purchasing. The number can be greater or fewer--will depend on the year and the people who want to be involved.

-we split the costs of raising these colts--average young horse raising costs are approximately 150 Euro/month, so between 10 people, that’s not a lot, even if we have more than one colt.  When the time comes to prep the colts for inspection, the costs go up a bit, but that’s probably in the range of 500 Euro/month for the months involved, then whatever it costs for the entry fees, radiographs, etc. Again, split among 10 or more people, it’s really manageable. Even if you’re involved every year, we’re probably talking about 4 to six colts that you’re part owner of before we either, most probably, sell or get a horse approved.

-if the colts are not accepted, they are sold.

-each year, the individuals who wish to be part owners of additional colts, put in another investment amount for purchases that year.  Just because you’re part owner of 2013’s colt(s), does not mean you have to be of 2014’s, but you will still cover your share of the expenses on the 2013 colt(s).  When 2015 rolls around and you want to invest in that year’s colt(s), you can.  You only pay a portion of the expenses of the colts purchased in the year(s) you buy in.  Similarly, if a colt is approved and, subsequently, has breeding income or sold, you only benefit if the colt is from a year you bought in.

-we get a certain number of breedings to any approved stallions without a breeding fee--collection costs, etc. will have to still apply so it’s not costing the person standing the horse.

-I’d like some native Dutch people involved for a couple of reasons:  one, it will be to our benefit financially and reputation-wise to have any young stallion begin his breeding career in Holland, and they can help with this; two, they speak the language; three, they will have contacts that may help us procure some top colts; and, three, I like the people I’ve invited and would love to have them part of this group.

-I’d like some major KWPN stallion holders involved because it is to their benefit the North American breeding base grow, and it’s great public relations for them to be actively in support of that growth.

-everyone involved is welcome to give input, help search for possible colts, offer advice, etc, but, after taking everything into consideration, the final selection and/or purchasing decisions will be mine.

-I’ll work though a lawyer to establish the LLC and contracts--I’m not sure what the terminology will be--it’s possible that we call them shares/part ownership/just not sure legally what it is, but the ownership would be transferable, saleable, willable, etc.

This is a conversation right now.  I’d prefer that this is an invitation-only group.  That being said, if we can’t get 10 people to start, I’ll make it more public.  Send me an email or give me a call with questions, interest, scepticisms, etc.  If you want off the email list so you’re not kept in the loop, let me know that as well.  My feelings won’t be hurt...for more than a minute or two. I just want to get the conversation started so we can begin in 2013.


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